When you apply attraction marketing techniques to your business you become the hunted instead of the hunter. Unlike worn out old school strategies like chasing family & friends, handing out fliers & business cards, holding meetings, cold calling genealogy lists, buying expensive low quality leads and dialing for dollars.
People like to buy but they hate to be sold. Most people don’t want to be chased by someone they don’t know and are naturally defensive when they feel like they have been trapped or cornered.
This means your chances of ever convincing someone that what you have is what they need are slim to none because they never had any interest in the first place.
There are credibility issues associated with old school prospecting tactics that can put you in a vulnerable situation when promoting something that is supposed to be a life changing experience for people and then having to answer questions about how it’s changed your life, when you’re not established yourself.
For most new network marketers this can be a very difficult question to overcome without lying. Not recommended!
By combining Internet technology with attraction marketing techniques you are able to reach people all over the planet looking for what you are promoting.
When you are put in the position of using old school prospecting tactics chasing people that have no interest in what you are offering, you are not in control the prospect is. Why would they want to join your business? What’s in it for them?
Whatever product, service or opportunity you are pitching, why would anyone agree to buy what you are selling or join your business if they never asked for it in the first place?
Are you seeing the big picture here? The prospect is in total control and dictating how the conversation goes. You can easily change this to a position of strength by using attraction-marketing principals to promote your offer. You will never have to chase prospects again instead they will be chasing you to join your business because it’s their idea.
Internet viral marketing has grown rapidly and network marketers are no longer confined to prospecting in just their own communities thanks to the Internet. It allows network marketers to reach people on a massive scale anywhere in the world.
They can now build an online presence by using paid or free advertising methods to generate unlimited leads that attract an endless stream of customers and distributors to their business by offering valuable information and business building tips instead of a sales pitch.
When you combine internet technology and attraction marketing strategies you will have a powerful marketing system that is fully automated and will work for you 24/7 generating unlimited free network marketing leads even when you are sleeping. This is how you reach people on a massive scale, achieving massive results and becoming the hunted instead of the hunter.
To get free instant access for more information on a proven marketing system and the advantages of marketing on the internet, then click on any of my live links below.