Authors: Why You Should NOT Learn How to Market

Not all authors should spend time learning how to market. That may go against conventional wisdom, but it’s true.

In reality, some authors are not willing to put in the time or effort to do what it takes to market their books. Some get downright nasty towards those of us who are making money with our writing, blaming everything but themselves for their lack of success in selling books.

Recently, I was hosted on a webinar by a colleague to share insights on how to market books. The response by 99% of the people was incredibly positive. But there were a few who were upset at the amount of work I said it takes to market books.

I suppose they preferred I lie and say, “Oh yes, you can sell tons of books and put no work into the process at all.” I won’t do that.

What they wrote

Here are a few of the emails I received from authors who are not willing to do much more than write.

“It shouldn’t be that hard. My book is really good. Why won’t people just buy it?” one person wrote.

“I like to write. I want to sell books, but I don’t want to have to market.”

“All of you so-called “experts” make it sound so easy, but the average person has no idea where to start. All you do is sell a load of crap to people who will never be able to make this work.”


To authors like this my response is simple… write your books knowing you will likely be in the group that never sells more than a handful of books.

We all started at the same place

I started where every author starts. I had a dream to be a successful author who makes money with my writing while transforming people through my words. To do this, I HAD to learn how to market. No two ways about it.

I’ve spent years, and thousands upon thousands of dollars, countless hours and lots of energy to get really, really good at what I do. It didn’t happen by chance, but rather by design.

I liken authors who want to sell boatloads of books without any work to those who say they want to get in great shape, but don’t want to stop eating junk food, don’t want to exercise and don’t want to replace bad habits with good ones.

You can want it all you want, but you won’t achieve the outcome.

Here’s the deal…

Selling books takes work. Selling books takes vision. Selling books takes strategy. And… if you want to be sustainable as an author, it takes writing good books.

If you’re not willing to put the time in to do the work, learn how to market and be consistent in your efforts, no problem.

But please, don’t blame others for the fact you’re not selling books. Take a look at what you are and are not doing.

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