Some of you will have had the misfortune of using crutches at some time in your life and can therefore sympathize with anyone new to this unfortunate state and trying to cope with the everyday normality of life. It is even more difficult if you are unable to put any weight on one foot due to an ankle operation and therefore have to hop around on crutches. This puts an extra burden on movement. So it essential to think carefully before you have the operation as to how best to overcome any problems once you now have to manoeuver around on crutches for a while. We are so used to going through life on two legs and take for granted the restrictions just trying to balance on one leg especially a leg or ankle that has gone through a major operation and is in plaster or a boot. It can be even harder if you live alone as trying to cope with everyday chores will now be limited.
So here are a few pointers to consider before you have the operation.
1. First of all let all your friends, family and neighbours know you will be going into hospital for your operation because once home you will be restricted to leading a normal life for a while. Take any advice and help offered as this will relieve some of the burden. You will obviously not be able to drive for a while and will need many outpatients appointments back at the hospital after the operation. So accept any offers of lifts to and from the hospital/clinic.
2. Prepare your home for your return. Cancel any newspapers/milk deliveries etc. and get someone to look after any pets you may have. Clean your house from top to bottom/ new clean bed linen, cut the grass etc. You may need to arrange for someone to take over the housework/gardening for a while as you will not be able to do any strenuous work in or outside.
3. Shopping can be done on line if you have a computer and are connected to the Internet. But if you do not have a computer arrange for someone to regularly do shopping for you. Make sure your cupboards are full of essentials that have a long shelf life so friends or family only need to shop for fresh foods when needed.
4. Have a couple of lights that are programmed to come on each evening for a few hours while you are away. This will give the impression the house is not empty. Just a precaution against any suspecting burglar.
5. Leave all your curtains/blinds drawn closed so no one can see inside your property in the evening when the lights come on.
6. Prepare an overnight bag with the usual toiletries, change of clothes (loose track suit is ideal) comfortable loose bed clothes, book to read, a charged mobile phone to make contact with family and friends while you are in hospital. (hospitals allow you to use a mobile in the ward). Once you know the ward you will be in you can contact everyone to give them details. And its great to get text messages while in hospital
7. You will be unable to have the use of your hands to carry anything once you are on crutches so have a light shoulder bag so you can carry anything around from room to room. Have a thermo flask to carry coffee or tea in, a box with a lid on to carry any food in.
8. Try to borrow an office chair on casters so that you can swivel around (especially good in the kitchen). It just makes life that much easier and takes the weight off your feet for a while as you are carrying out tasks that would be so difficult to do on crutches.
9. Try to keep to some sort of routine once back at home. Although you will need a lot of rest to recouperate after any major operation you should also move around to get the blood circulation working. Doing some form of daily exercise is good too even though you may be restricted to doing them in a chair.
10. If you have a mobile phone carry it around with you at all times. Keeping it in a bumbag round your waist out of the way it ideal. This is just in case you get into any difficulty ie fall over and need to contact someone immediately. Giving a friend who lives nearby or neighbour an extra set of keys is all a sensible option.
11. Have some sort of stool in the bath so that you can sit in the bath to have a shower. If you have a plaster on your leg/ankle get a plastic covering that is easy to put on and off your leg to keep dry while you have a shower. Never try to stand up in the bath in case you slip over. Also have a shower mat in the bath to stop you slipping when getting in and out of the bath.
A very useful site to find any accessories to make your life a bit more bearable contact
Finally, it will seem as if you have had to put your life on hold for a while and trying to cope with everyday choirs has become a real burden but the time will pass fairly quickly and you will look back and pat yourself on the back that you coped so well after all. And before you know it you will be able to throw away those crutches and will be back to normality walking around again on two legs as if nothing happened.