So, you need a new job. Whether you lost your job due to cutbacks or you simply got bored with the old job, starting over can be overwhelming. However it can also be a grand adventure, it all depends on your attitude. This is your opportunity to start over with a clean slate. You can choose something that you really like to do, use your past mistakes to avoid pitfalls in your new job.
Take inventory. Recognize your strong points and your weak points. What did you not like about the old job? What can you do to be more successful in the new job? If you know people who have been through the experience of starting over, ask them questions. Take advantage of any advice that may have for you. Allow your family and friends to be part of your new job decisions. Surround yourself with positive people who can encourage you and help you achieve your goals.
If you are not going into the same job field, consider what type of job would give you the most pleasure. Just because you need to work forty to sixty hours a week does not mean that it has to be drudgery. If you choose something that interests you, or something that you have a passion for you may find that your new job actually gives you pleasure. Another thing you will need to consider is whether or not this new job is something that will last. Is this a short term or a long-term proposition? Will the new job provide everything that you need it to? Medical insurance, benefits and retirement are all important things to consider.
Will you need to have special skill training? Does your new job require you to have specific certifications? If so, you will need to think about what training providers you may want to enlist and how long the course will take. There are lots of providers to choose from and you can even choose whether you want to be in a classroom or have online instruction. Of course you will need to be certain that you are choosing an accredited program. Be sure that your potential employer will recognize the certification.
Some programs may be able to offer you information on financial assistance if you need it. If you have an employment center in your area, stop in and speak to them about the requirements for a new job, they can also advise you about what job opportunities you have in your area. Your local government usually provides the centers and they are there to help you. They may be able to suggest several possibilities that could meet your needs.
Once you have a plan and get any certification you need, it is time to look for your new job. Create a good resume and keep it up to date. Choose a nice outfit for your interviews. A good outlook and a positive attitude can serve you well in getting a new job. Just remember the first impression can make all the difference in whether or not you get a second interview.