Tattoo designs of stars are a great choice for woman or men. The star is a universal symbol and can mean different things for many people. Star tattoos, although usually small, can be very striking and powerful symbols. There are so many varieties to choose from… where do you start? Here is some advice on how to go about finding your perfect star tattoo.
What type of star design are you looking for? Here are some category examples:
Shooting star tattoos. This popular design symbolizes short term good luck and success. The tail of the shooting star can be made up of several smaller stars, which can cover a larger area of your body if you choose. These designs can be very pretty and feminine.
Moon star tattoos. These are a combination of… yep you guessed it… a moon and star! Traditional symbolism isn’t as deep with the moon star tattoo, but that doesn’t mean you can’t create your own deeper meaning. These designs are open to interpretation and are often quite beautiful.
Nautical star tattoos. This style is considered “old school” and masculine. A popular design with sailors in the old days, this design is finding popularity again.
Star of David tattoos. The Star of David is a Jewish symbol that represents the rule of God over the universe. A very powerful and spiritual tattoo.
This is just a handful of examples to help you think of your options. The most important thing to do when searching for tattoo designs of stars is to only look at sites that feature professional tattoo artists. They know how to design original tattoos that will compliment the natural lines of your body. This is important. Too often a design looks great as a separate image, but doesn’t translate well to the body.