The Pajama Man: Andy Ross’s Pajama Man Review

The Pajama Man School lead by Andy Ross may have come across your path as you’ve been seeking a way to increase your insurance sales commissions. With the PJM School you are going to receive training side by side someone who has found success in the Insurance Industry selling many different products from their home office.

The school that Andy has set up is like a mentoring program where you’ll get training video’s, live support, and even get to shadow him on occasion to see how he makes his calls, generates his leads (purchases them), and how he has found his own success doing just this. The Pajama Man School is going to come with a price tag of $5,000 and greater depending on where you are when you begin and what it is you are truly trying to achieve.

As a former Top Producing Insurance Agent here in the State of Hawaii, I’ve kept an interest in the market and those coming and going within the market. What I’ve come to find out is that success in any business comes down to driving traffic, solid training, and following those that have been there before.

If you are currently an insurance agent, what are you doing right now for your marketing, lead generation, and business growth? Do you need something like a Pajama Man teaching you how to find success within your industry? Maybe, but then again, you may just be seeking a way to put all those pieces together for yourself and just a bit of mentorship. For that, there are many online resources that are easily picked up. There are also many different places you could invest far less money and receive far greater value.

Overall though, the PJM School isn’t such a bad thing, just a large investment for those new to the industry.

There is a NEW way to help people truly reach the limits of their dreams, to create passive income from the comforts of their homes, and to do this all at their very own pace.

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